You belong here just as much as anyone else.


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Anxiety & Depression

Did you know that feelings of anxiety can also be helpful at times? But when the anxiety becomes overwhelming, it can prevent you from making choices in your life. Learn how to live with your anxiety rather than continuing to run away from the things that come into your life.

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a technique that helps unlock old memories and enables you to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress they may have caused. If your system is blocked by the impact of an event, the emotional wound continues to grow and may cause intense imbalances. EMDR helps you reactivate your natural healing processes.

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Postpartum Support

Process your birth story, explore your new identity & the complex relationships that come with motherhood, and empower yourself to find healing and growth. Motherhood is one of the - if not the biggest - transition you will ever go through. Walk through postpartum feeling seen, validated and empowered.

Why Women Love Therapy with Cami

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Self Exploration

Make a life audit. Do you ever find yourself uncommitted to yourself and just ‘going through the motions’? Knowing who you are is the first step of loving who you are. During therapy, you can add new tools to your already existing (yes, you already have tools!) toolbox that help you see yourself beyond just the going-to/from-work, getting-dinner-with-a-friend, doing-the-chores segments of your life.

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Redefining Beliefs

You are born pure. As you travel through your life journey, you have formed different beliefs, established values, and committed to ways of living. But are these beliefs really yours? Did you choose them or just accepted them. There is a difference. Through therapy, you are able to explore your beliefs and re-align your goals as an individual so that you can live your most authentic life.

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Becoming Autonomous

What does being independent look like for you? How do you create new boundaries as you step out into the world on your own? In therapy, you get to explore your upbringing, the good and the bad.

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Healing from Your Past

There is a difference between moving on and healing. Have you ever found yourself feeling ‘over it’ and then find yourself in the same situations months later? How can you break the cycle? In therapy, learn from your past and grow into the person you are meant to be!


Watch your story unfold in meaningful ways. YOU are worth it!